

My name is


And here is why I want to be your representative on the Hawthorne City Council.

Moe Awadallah is the current President of the Kiwanis Club of Hawthorne, and a board member  of the Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce, and the Treasurer for the Hawthorne Presidents Council.  

Moe and his family moved to Hawthorne in 1987. Growing up, he always knew he wanted to give back to the community in some way. For the past 15 years, he has served Hawthorne in so many different ways such as; senior luncheons and grocery deliveries, scholarships to local students, Hawthorne Police Department K-9 dinners, community BBQ’s and so much more. He also is a member of the Islamic Center of Hawthorne and has been an active member for over 15 years. During the month of Ramadan, Moe is responsible for Iftar dinners and Suhoor for the Islamic Center serving over 300 fasting Muslims. Moe is hoping to expand his helping hand not only to the City of Hawthorne, but to surrounding cities.   

Moe Awadallah has been honored with several certificates of recognition from the City of Hawthorne. In 2021, he was awarded a certificate during the annual volunteer appreciation day. The following year, in 2022, he was named the Hawthorne Kiwanian of the Year. That same year, Moe also received another certificate for his volunteer efforts. Additionally, he was recognized for his contributions in cooking for the first annual Juneteenth celebration. In 2024, Moe was presented with a certificate from the ICH in acknowledgment of his 14 years of service to various religious groups. He also received a certificate from the Hawthorne Lawndale Ministries Group for his years of dedicated service, showcasing his commitment to selflessly supporting the community. Besides from all of his community work, Moe Awadallah is a small business owner in the City of Hawthorne. In his work he helps transport students with special needs to and from school, and hired local residents  which he enjoys more than any work he has done so far. Even when he is not giving back, he is somehow giving back. 

Moe is  not done here. There is still so much more to give back. But I can only do that with your help in electing Moe Awadallah. 

Moe want’s to do this for a better Hawthorne and solely for the people. Moe’s success in becoming a member of the Hawthorne City Council will be your success. Hawthorne has the potential to become even better than the surrounding cities. Moe’s mission is to try and get us there. This is why I am asking you to elect me, Moe Awadallah, as your city council member for the next 4 years.

Moe’s focus will be: Public Safety, Safer Schools, Community Engagement, Homeownership, Homelessness, and bring a Urgent Care Facility just to name a few.

Moe’s interest is to have a direct positive effect in children’s lives and assist many families, seniors, and young adult in accessing services that fulfilled their physical, emotional and basic needs. Moe has connected easily with different community groups across ethnic and cultural difference thanks to my trilingual capabilities

Moe’s passion and love for the City of Hawthorne has led him  to offer fresh new ideas

1. Volunteering reflects a deep commitment to your community, and I have always been dedicated to being there for ours. 
2. We need to focus on creating better-paying job opportunities or encouraging trade skills. 
3. It’s essential to ensure our streets are safe and that our Police Department has the necessary resources, as they do an incredible job. 
4. Revitalizing Hawthorne Blvd will help attract new businesses to our area. 
5. We should invest in after-school and youth programs to keep our kids safe and support their education. 
6. Promoting accountability and transparency is crucial for our community’s trust. 
7. The state of the mall and RFK is quite concerning; we need a strong team to engage with the owners and insist on improvements or a sale. 
8. It’s important to listen to our residents and be responsive to their concerns. 
9. Addressing the growing homelessness in our city can be managed by providing government-approved housing or mental health support when necessary. 
10. We must stop the dismissal of our dedicated commissioners, as their efforts are vital for progress. 
11. It’s time to unite our city council members, encouraging them to set aside their differences and collaborate for the prosperity and advancement of our community. 

service in

chamber of
commerce new

I am Mr griller man city of good neighbors

Kiwanis club at the Hawthorne parade

Family Pictures



Hawthorne Airport

Kelly Field: Opened in 1927, this was Hawthorne's first airport, located at the intersection of Inglewood Avenue and Broadway. Jack Northrop Field: Built in 1942 during World War II, this airport was used by the US Air Force as an aircraft modification center and to transport new aircraft abroad. It was also known as "the cradle of aviation I think creating a community oversight committee to create a plan to mitigate noise, pollution and safety would be a good plan Also, the airport needs to have an advisor on the committee. Residents should have access to the committee to raise issues related to the airport. The committee should advise the council on concerns coming from the community. That’s a plan!


Build partnerships between K-12 and Colleges with Career Tech Opportunities and scholarships. I will collaborate with the school districts and lead the effort to advocate for a fully funded Prop. 98; I will advocate for State Facility Funding in order to have our school buildings comfortable and safe, and give our teachers the tools they need to be successful in the classroom. It is critical that our children are prepared for their future. I want to push for more career college opportunities and STEM Education for early learners to increase preparedness in elementary school and beyond. Furthermore, my goal is to work with the Hawthorne Schools’ superintendent to help create pathways for graduates to develop skills that align with the workforce needs.


Increase business development through quality retail stores, restaurants, and manufacturing jobs with high-paying wages. I will continue working and meeting with business owners in Hawthorne to hear their concerns. We need to give the private sector a platform that makes investing in Hawthorne and its people a win-win for all. As Councilmember, I will advocate for increasing workforce development through training and livable-paying jobs. Building the wealth of every class will help strengthen the overall economy of Hawthorne. We will cut job-killing regulations, introduce business tax relief, streamline business permits, and create innovative public/private partnerships with the sole purpose of making life better for ALL of Hawthorne’s residents and our business community.


Increase public safety by giving help to our police, firefighters, first responders, and public works i will continue to work with the Police Chief and Police Union to improve our law enforcement tactics and community policing. We will implement continuing education and training for officers centered on inclusion, sensitivity, compassion, and understanding the social dynamics of the communities we serve. In order to make our public safety strategy effective and reduce crime in our neighborhoods and parks.


When Elon Musk decided to start a rocket company two decades ago, he headed down Interstate 5 and the 405 and didn’t stop until he reached the South Bay, the center of the region’s aerospace industry, hard hit by a drop in defense spending after the Cold War. This week, the Hawthorne company’s future in the region was thrown into doubt when Musk posted on X that he planned to move SpaceX’s headquarters to the outskirts of Brownsville, Texas, where it is developing its massive Starship rocket for planned trips to the moon and, someday, Mars. If SpaceX were to relocate from Hawthorne, there is a possibility of having another vacant building similar to the mall and the RFK hospital, which would be a financial burden and an eye sore.


Advocate for smart housing/homeownership and safe clean neighborhoods. As a city, we can better coordinate our efforts to provide housing stability, increase home-buying incentives for working and middle-class renters and potential residents. We need to make our code enforcement system more responsive, hold absentee landlords accountable, and have better maintenance of their building(s) and vacant lots. If re-elected, I will continue advocating for the HOME BUYER LOAN HOMEOWNERSHIP house-buying program and work with contractors to rebuild our dilapidating houses, apartment buildings, and help apartment owners revitalize our communities to create smart and affordable housing.


work with me​

READY to make BIG